Jun 6, 2017

DAY 5, Caves

Dambovicioara Cave is located in the southern side of Piatra Craiului Mountains on the left side of Dambovicioara Valley, less than 20 km from Bran, Bran-Rucar Pass. The official attestation of the cave was before 1579. Although a rather small cave, it has an impressive, varied karst relief. It’s a relatively warm cave with a temperature between 10 – 12 degrees, with moderate humidity. The area has an impressive natural beauty, due to its small waterfalls and streams along the Dambovicioara River. With a length of over 550 meters, only 225 of them being opened to the tourists, the cave has the aspect of a gallery slightly bifurcated, its itinerary being rather ascendant. The cave can be easily crossed due to its approximately 2 meters ceiling, higher than the average human height.  The gallery also includes a 10 m high chimney, permitting a light stream of air to get inside, thus showing the presence of a communication with the exterior. Until now there were not discovered cave species, but specialists found instead remains of the Cave Bear. Recent explorations revealed a new gallery, not allowed for visiting yet. Dambovicioara Cave is one of the most visited caves in Romania, approximately 20,000 visitors a year.

The cave is an important touristic objective, by its position, on the Piatra Craiului Mountains, with abounding natural beauties, with deer, fresh air, and crystal waters. The scenery, Dambovicioara Gorges, leading to Dambovicioara Cave is breathtaking. The gorges are part of the Piatra Craiului National Park which became a natural reservation in 1938, being declared a national park in 1990. Piatra Craiului National Park spreads out across Brasov and Arges counties, including Zarnesti, Moeciu, Bran, Rucar and Dambovicioara areas.


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