Jun 6, 2017

DAY 6, Moeciu

Moeciu is certainly one of the most spectacular places in Romania, one of the best developed areas in terms of rural tourism and one of the most requested areas. Besides delicious dishes prepared with love by the locals, you can spend here an active holiday (ski slope, possibilities of hiking, riding, quad rides and mountain-biking).
The village of Moeciu is located in the Rucar-Bran passage at the foot of the north-west Bucegi Mountains and of the eastern Piatra Craiului Mountains, being one of the oldest access roads between the two Romanian provinces: Transylvania and the Romanian Country. The distance from Moeciu to Brasov is about 30 km., and to Bucharest 200 km. The average altitude is 800 m. The climate is specific to the temperate mountain areas. Moeciu has many centers of Folk creations and especially of decorative wood.
Moeciu is composed of six localities: Moeciu de Jos as common residence, Cheia, Magura, Drumu Carului, Moeciu de Sus and Pestera. These localities have economic and social different and unique characteristics. Like other villages in this area – Bran, Fundata, Sirnea, Simon - the resort has developed due to the beauty of the area, clean air, peace and, last but not least, the proximity of the famous Bran Castle.


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